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Infoplus employee


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateDecember 8, 2015
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaOther
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

It’s a sad fact that many small and mid-sized businesses don’t know what their employees truly cost per production hour. Even their job-cost reports typically don’t show those pesky labor burden costs! So, instead of working with objective cost results and markup targets, business owners end up “guesstimating” what they should charge for employee time.

As a result, they often end up with profits far below what they should be earning!

Join QuickBooks and Job-Cost Expert Diane Gilson as she discusses, and answers, the following questions:

• How do we find a way to help business owners discover their REAL employee costs?
• Is there a way to show additional labor-related costs on job-cost reports?
• How can we quickly and easily compute what they should be charging vs. what they currently charge?
• Can this be done in an efficient, cost-effective, and consistent way?
• Could clients ultimately learn how to use an employee cost and pricing system on a “Do-It-Yourself” basis?
• As accountants, can we economically provide this to our clients as a value-added, billable service?
• Is there a way to achieve these results without having to learn another new software package?

Learning Objectives

  • The dollar impact of under-charging for employee labor, types of businesses experiencing the problem - and why the issue is “hidden” from day-to-day view

  • Why and how the employee Cost & Pricing Analyzer (eCPA) was developed

  • Explore how individual employees’ fully burdened rates are computed (including common, shared costs)

  • Reviewing the results (Overtime vs. standard costs, weighted burden dollars and percentages, computing markups, annualized difference between current and suggested employee pricing, summary reports)

  • Using QuickBooks for automatic job-cost allocations

  • Additional, valuable ways that users can benefit from the labor-cost information, and how accountants can use, and benefit from, the product

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Trinidad, MT

"I am an accountant who worked as cost accountant years ago allocating overhead & costs manually. I studied job costing & standard costing in college. Knowing that Quickbooks desktop now can allocate costs automatically after formula is entered, is a big time-saver & relief. We were using Excel since other accounting softwares did not do this. Thanks to those who made QB compute costing of services & products."
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Andrew, FL

"Another excellent presentation by Diane, who clearly conveys the keys to making costing simple and useful"
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Lisa Johnson, OH

"Love this topic...wish my clients would pay more attention when I share this information with them."
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Brian, CO

"This was a good session. Enjoyed the insight to this tool."
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Cory, CO

"Very knowledgeable on the topic."
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Derek, MN

"The presentation was clear and concise with material suitable for the topic being discussed. I would gladly attend another one with this."
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Diane is a 2014 and 2015 “Top 100 ProAdvisor” (chosen from a field of 65,000+ ProAdvisors). Her other current certifications include: • QuickBooks Enterprise ProAdvisor (Intuit) • Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor (Intuit) • QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor (Intuit) • QuickBooks Consultant (Sleeter Group Consulting Network) • Instructor for Business Accounting and Job-Cost and Financial Management for National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) University of Housing. Diane uses her 30+ years’ experience (including 15 years as a practicing CPA) to design, customize, and upgrade job-cost accounting systems for small to mid-sized construction, manufacturing and service companies. Additionally, she successfully teaches all levels of accounting and job-cost technique in her online workshops and one-on-one consultations. As a published author, speaker, and professional QuickBooks trainer, Diane is respected as a leader in her fields of expertise.

About Our Presenter

Since 1994 Info Plus Accounting has been helping business owners and bookkeepers move from the darkness of financial confusion and chaos, into the sunlight of monetary order and clarity. We achieve this by helping them determine exactly what information they need, and showing them how they can effectively and efficiently get it.