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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateMarch 5, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

In today’s increasingly connected world, many taxpayers are finding themselves in trouble because they maintain financial connections to a foreign country. In this session Michael will guide you against serious potential tax pitfalls, help you understand the reporting and compliance issues taxpayers face when dealing with foreign assets, and help you to understand the filing requirements for taxpayers who maintain foreign assets. This session will cover the filing and compliance requirements related to FATCA, IRS Form 8938, FBAR Reporting (Form Fin-CEN 114), and other information returns.

Learning Objectives

  • How to properly report foreign assets and related transactions.

  • The FBAR Form (FinCEN 114) and how to get it right.

  • Penalties and other consequences of failing to report foreign assets.

  • Statute of Limitations considerations when a taxpayer fails to report foreign assets.

  • FBAR, Form 5471, FATCA, Form 8938, Form 3520/3520-A.

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Madeline, FL

"Not enough time for the scope of the subject! However, I learned many new things about the subject, and the slide presentation was the best that I have ever seen on this subject. Kudos to the presenter for delivering such a comprehensive presentation in so little time."
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Monique Nicole, NY

"A very interesting and informative webinar delivered by a very knowledgeable presenter. But, the time allotted to the learning activity was too short.. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge...."
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Sunil, NJ

"Excellent Webinar and an extremely knowledgeable presenter clearly explaining the nuances. Hope he will conduct more seminars in future"
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Thomas, OH

"Mr. Sardar was well-informed and explained this complex topic in an easy-to-understand manner. Please bring him back."
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Kathy, MT

"Great presentation. Scary information on Form 8938. Thank you for the great handout and presentation."
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William, FL

"Excellent. Very informative. Please perform additional webinars on this important subject matter."
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Antonio, CA

"Great content - loved it. Did expatriate returns for 4.5 yrs, this was a great refresher."
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Ricardo, FL

"Very helpful and a lot of good information. Thanks Michael (the real one)."
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Michael Sardar has extensive experience in a wide range of tax controversy and white-collar criminal defense matters. Mr. Sardar represents clients in all stages of civil and criminal tax controversies before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), state tax authorities, the Department of Justice, and local prosecutors.

About Our Presenter

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Kostelanetz, LLP enjoys an unparalleled national reputation for representing clients in sensitive and high-stakes negotiations and controversies with government agencies, including tax audits and trials, regulatory investigations, white-collar criminal defense, and complex litigation. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing the finest legal services in all phases of representation, from factual development, through an audit or investigation, to trial or negotiated resolution. We also have an active practice providing tax planning advice, estate planning, and representation in government procurement and government contracting.